Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday (07/30/13) Day 15

I did "Fat Burning Cardio" and "Ab Sculpt" today.
Same thing on calendar schedule for Wednesday.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 12 of HipHopAbs

So I have been doing my dvd - Hip Hop Abs - every day, I just haven't been posting.  I can tell you this, I can feel it in the abdomen area.  I'm not seeing a lot of weight loss because I am not eating right at night.  I have a lot of things coming up in the next few months and I'm stressing.  When I am stressing, I tend to cave in to eating things I shouldn't.  So, lack of weight loss is on me, not a shortcoming from the dvd.

I think today I'm going to start working toward the upcoming move. I feel like there is this "overwhelming mountain" is looming in front of me, and that it has my name on it.  No one in this house seems real interested in helping work toward getting ready for our upcoming move.  I think they are falsely believing that there is still a lot of time before they have to worry about it.  To me, it's coming quickly and I don't wanna wait until the last minute and see my stress magnify by like 10,000.  I already have enough to worry about with school and all.

Mary suggested I combat the "overwhelming mountain"....15 minutes at a time. 

So, in the interest of making progress....I am gonna cut this post short and go "get busy".  I need to vacuum out my car and put at least 15 minutes into the back room.  The back room is our "storage" area, if you can call it that.  It looks more like a "catch all" to me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 8 of Hip Hop Abs

Hmmm....I see I missed posting on Friday and Monday.  I had good reason, I had a crap load of homework for my classes, and I still do.  I'm just approaching things differently this week.  The last two weeks were rough, where school was concerned.
Click the pic of Shaun T for more info.
I got my work-out done!  Some days I do it earlier than others.  I'm actually considering adding a second round into my week.  Someone said you could add 2 work-outs a week, to make up for the 2 days you miss on the week-ends.

I have to be honest here, I am still doing the first section where you learn moves such as "Saturday Night Fever", "Grapevine", "Throwdown", and other moves.  I want to get it down good before I move on and find other moves I am not able to do.  I am going to go through this dvd set very thoroughly.  So....it may take me 3x-4x-5x as long to do the entire program, compared to others.  I actually want to gain some coordination.

I've had a couple rough days on the diet thing.  I've succumbed to temptations later in the night.  I am noticing something new, now.  I am actually "throwing away" stuff.  This means that I succumb to the temptation, take a few bites (versus eating the entire amount) and get up to go throw it away.  I've changed my mind and lost my appetite.

This (throwing away) isn't a bad thing, it's (eating less) a good thing.  I think it's a part of the "not wanting to waste food" problem.  I used to clear my plate because I didn't want to waste food.  I grew up being taught to clear my plate.  My grandmother cooked for an "army" and when I had younger children, I cooked for an "army".  I've learned how to cook less, but I still was struggling with not feeling like I needed to clear my plate.  Now, evidently, I am learning how to let go of that bad habit.

Back to the exercise, I am getting into the "habit" mentality.  I am making the right choice even though the temptation to skip is there.

So I have another event to look forward to.  I am making a trip to visit family in late August.  This means I have about 4 weeks to seriously make my changes, so the people I see will see a drastic change.  I cannot put off any longer, the things I want to accomplish.  I am at that point where if I want to have the results on a specific and soon to come "tomorrow", I have to start NOW!

I think I may start the Ultimate Reset TODAY.  Click the pic below for more info.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Day 5 - Hip Hop Abs

Today was Day 5.  After a painful day yesterday, I am back on track.  I refuse to be defeated!
I'm seeing the progress in my ability to more imitate the people in the Hip Hop Abs video.  I'm no where near coordinated still, but I am able to keep up better.  This is good.   I like how the entire work-out is under 30 minutes.  That's not much time to be stressing over.  It's done before I can think otherwise.

The scale read another 2 pounds down this morning.  This is good!  I love seeing progress.

I had my Vanilla Shakeology for breakfast this morning.  Lunch will likely be some cucumbers and tomatoes, with chicken breast.  That's what I am craving.  I think it's cute how my 3 dogs want my cucumber slices.  I hope they're good for them, as I do give them one each when I'm eating them.  They like tomatoes too.  Dinner for me may be chicken & rice soup.  I'm making meatloaf for the family, and I am abstaining from red meat.  Whenever I can, I want to cultivate the ban on red meat for me. 

Well, I'm happily making progress and I'm thinking positive!  Down 17 pounds total.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sick Day 4 Me & T25!

This is the new Shaun T program!  Check it out! Click the link, or the picture!

I'm not feeling good today, so we're gonna call it a "sick day".  There is no way I can work out with my Hip Hop Abs after being up all night and with the back pain I have today.  I feel terrible.

11:15 p.m. update:
It was a long night last night and a long day today.  The pain let up about 12:30 pm today, I was able to take a short nap, and I woke up with a headache that I can take nothing to alleviate.  :(  Not cool.  Something I ate last night did NOT agree with me, and that was what kept me up all night and is causing me so much pain.  Along with this, because of my discomfort in trying to sleep last night, I messed up my spinal cord. So from last night (about 1 am) until even now, I have only had a short break from the back pain.  There is no way to be comfortable, I can only sit up to bring down the pain from a 10 to a more tolerable 7.  I am sincerely hoping that I will be able to sleep tonite, as I am very tired.  Otherwise I will have to try to sleep sitting up in a chair.

I wanna be back to normal tomorrow.  I wanna get back to my Hip Hop Abs, and may attempt to do it regardless of the pain, if I can get a lower level of pain.  The pain was so bad that I had to take some Vicodin last night.  I don't take that stuff unless it's really bad.  I've had the medicine for 6 months and have taken it twice.

I was able to drink one Shakeology shake today, and I tried to eat some chicken & rice soup for dinner.  Hot tea seems to be a friend, as well.  Not a real good day on the diet plan today.

I remain optimistic and focused.  I will triumph.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 4 - Hip Hop Abs & Shakeology

Day 4 - Making progress!  I still am not coordinated enough to keep up with them, doing ALL that they're doing, but I'm definitely making progress.  I got on the scale today, down another pound.  How cool is that???

I had my Shakeology for breakfast, will likely do so for lunch as well.  I really like the Vanilla Shakeology.  I get the packets (versus the 30 svg bag) and since I am not a super "sweet" person, I only use 1/2 a packet.  So, it's 1/2 a packet + 1 cup skim milk + ice cubes = one yummy shake!

Have a great day everyone!  I know mine has started out awesome!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Day 3 HipHop Abs

Today was day 3 of the Hip Hop Abs.  Trying to be consistent, even if I have to skip days when the hubby is home.  I'm NOT going to be given a hard time, because I choose to be healthier.  This is all about ME now!  I'm working on ME! I'm FOCUSing on ME!  Maybe I'll learn some rhythm and coordination in the process, lol.  

I am down 10 pounds since I started eating healthier.  It's been about a week.  I didn't put down my start date.  :(  I think I'm gonna go with July 08, because that will be easy to remember, even if I started after that date. 

So what am I doing?  I'm replacing 1-2 meals (breakfast, lunch) with Shakeology.   I'm eating a normal and healthy dinner, and I'm doing Hip Hop Abs.

Friday, July 12, 2013


This is the new FOCUS T25, 
Beachbody's newest program, and it's on SALE!!!!

Click the link above, or the picture, for more information!

Day 2 Hip Hop Abs

I'm feeling it in the legs, a little wobbly, ya know?   Keep in mind that I am NOT in shape, and I am uncoordinated, so I am gonna be wobbly.  I think this is a pretty easy work-out for any beginner, and especially good for those of us who don't know how to dance.  I think there's multiple benefits.

So on the nutrition side:  I drank my Shakeology today (went with Vanilla).  I'm thinking dinner will be a nice "Spring Greens" salad with tomato and cucumber, and a homemade vinegar & oil salad dressing.  I think I'll add a chicken breast to that, as well as some nuts and craisins.

P.S.  I'm down 8 pounds now, just from a 4 days of replacing 2 meals with Shakeology.  

P90X Giveaway!!!

For the next month, I am trying something new.  I've posted how excited I am about Beachbody and the opportunities it provides me.   I've posted about how great I think Shakeology tastes, and how much I enjoy the work-outs that I have done.  I have decided to GIVE FREE, some of my favorite products away!  There's a couple of ways you can win!

Starting 15 July 2013 and ending 15 August 2013, you will have one entire month to win a prize pack from me. So what's in this prize pack? 

  • 12 Work-Outs.  Targeted training for lean muscle development and a supercharged metabolism.
  • Fitness Guide and Nutrition Plan.  Customize P90X.  Choose Classic, Lean, or Doubles schedule.
  • Calendar.  Track your progress and talk to P90X experts.
 There's a lot more with this, over $100 value!!!

So what do you have to do, to get an entry into this GIVEAWAY?  
Each of the following will get you a entry: 
(must occur between 15-July and 15-August 2013.)
  • 1 entry for signing up for a free Beachbody account, by clicking this link. (no purchase necessary)
  • 1 entry for joining my FREE challenge group on Facebook (no purchase necessary).
  • 2 entries for becoming a Beachbody Coach under me.
  • 2 entries for purchasing a challenge pack from me.
  • 1 additional entry for referring a friend who purchases a challenge pack from me.
  • 1 additional entry for signing up for Shakeology Home Direct, from me.
Home Direct? This means your shipping is FREE!
About being a coach:  If you are in the military or a military spouse, you will want to become a coach.  No question about it.  You never have to sell anything.  You don't even have to actively coach anyone if you do not want to.  You just sign up as a coach, so you can get the 25% discount.  That's what I did.  I love Shakeology and I'm loving Hip Hop Abs.  Since I've become a coach, I've found MANY benefits - for myself, and the opportunity to help and encourage others!  There's even a way to earn free leads, as a coach.....what other company do you know, that will GIVE you free customers????  Wow!!!

~Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm on 15 August!  Winner will be announced 19 August 2013.
~All entries must be done by making 4CoachDesiree your FREE Beachbody Coach.
~Entries are awarded on activity that occurs between 15 July - 15 August.
~EVERYONE who enters, and provides me with your full name and complete mailing address, will receive a FREE gift.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Day One of Hip Hop Abs

Wasn't too bad at all! 
I'm an uncoordinated fool, but I did it and redid the parts I needed to "get down".
Looking forward to day 2.   Nice short work-out, and no sit-ups or crunches!  YAY!